We have found that due to the amount of water that CODE RED rebels consume, we often need to be diligent about replacing electrolytes. This will likely take care of many of your symptoms. Here are some thoughts.Salt salt salt! We are not a low salt lifestyle. Add 1/8th of teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt to each bottle of water that you drink. Here is a great video about salt that is worth watching. https://drhyman.com/blog/2017/11/03/downside-low-salt-diet/ Consider an electrolyte replacement. 

Here is one we like. https://amzn.to/2A10n8X Make sure you find one that has no carbs/sugar.For cramping, you can try foam rolling and/or gentle stretching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzSU2FiFKTM This formula taken before bed also helps some clients. https://amzn.to/2NFv71c you can get it anywhere (Walmart/Walgreens/etc)A hot bath before bed while soaking in Epsom salts is helpful as well for cramping.If you are still concerned, see your dr. Seek medical advice if you become faint or have heart concerns.