Are you eating like a Fastifier and seeing changes in your bowel movements? We will go over a few things that will help, but first let’s review what is happening. Here are some thoughts.

Give your body some time to adjust. You have changed your VOLUME of food and type of food that you are taking in. It is going to take a while for your body to adjust.Having regular bowel movements is ESSENTIAL to weight loss. If you don’t go poop regularly you may experience auto-intoxication. This is where you do not poop out toxins and they recirculate back into your system. No good! You need to poop!You will need to start and maintain a good bowel plan early, so you don’t become constipated. Once you are regular, don’t abandon all of your interventions. You will want to keep them up to maintain regularity until your body adjusts.


Start taking COLACE 100mg once in the morning and once at night

Drink all of your water -every single day – without fail!Start with the “Poop Tea”. 

Drink this every day until you go poop and then every third day or every other day to stay regular.If you the poop tea doesn’t work, try milk of magnesium or MiraLAX.Consider adding chia seeds and ground flax to your daily regimen.Get yourself a Squatty Potty or something similar to help you poop. 

This changes the angle of the colon and makes pooping easier Gut is also another good product to incorporate. Start with ONE serving per day.

If you have loose stool:Consider adding chia seeds and ground flax to your meals. It will help bulk your stool and make you more regular.Drink chamomile tea/ add lemon to your water/tea etc…Add fermented foods to your diet (kimchee, sauerkraut)

Add a good quality probiotic You can visit your local health food store as well. Be sure to store it in the fridge. These are live cultures.